Thursday 13 December 2012

3rd project: 2page spread Magazine Article

Step 1:
For my magazine Article, I invented a health magazine (Medline) because I really wanted to write on something related to health. The focus for this was on "Tips for Healthy Living".

 I read and re-modified an article from Personal excellence. It's a very long article, so I picked out just some portions which could fit into my 2page spread, without over-crowding it. The original title is : 45 Tips To Live a Healthier Life , and the website is: 

Step 2:
An example of Alexey Brodovitch's works that inspired me was the following:


These works show an affinity for white space (Brodovitch's style) and texts that model the shape of the image such that the image and the text seem to be one, passing across the same emphasized message.This model also gives the article a sort of musical feeling in the flow of text and picture.
In addition to this, I also made use of the colour red (another of his techniques), to emphasize important points in the texts.

Step 3:
Below is my design, on a 2 page spread sheet. 

 I begun by dividing my lay-out in the middle using the illustrator reader, so that I could design directly on 2pages (each 8inchx11inch). Then I pasted my pictures. The background of some of the pictures were removed on Photoshop. Next, I added my text for each picture. Basically, I tried to make the text either take the shape, or part of the shape of the items in the pictures they were talking about, and used red colours to indicate the main points. Lastly, I added my page numbers at the top and the magazine title+Edition at the bottom end

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